Enrolment options

Serbia 2006

Serbia 2006

The UNCTAD secretariat is now organizing a second regional training course for Eastern Europe and CIS countries on Key Issues on the International Economic Agenda, which will be held in collaboration with the Ministry of International Economic Relations in Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro. The course will focus on the links between trade, investment and development, especially in the context of the current multilateral trade negotiations, in order to

•Enhance the capacity of officials and other individuals from Eastern Europe and CIS countries to identify issues, and the approaches adopted in their treatment, in the current trade negotiations, in particular those with development dimensions within UNCTAD’s field of competence;

•Increase awareness of the various policy and other conditions necessary for attaining competitiveness and participating effectively in the current global economic environment;

The syllabus of the course draws on UNCTAD's perspectives and expertise and aims to enhance an understanding of UNCTAD's analytical work, as well as the lessons drawn from UNCTAD's technical cooperation activities. The content and the approaches of the course will also draw on the competence and expertise of United Nations Economic Commission for Europe and other regional experts.