Short courses for Permanent Missions in Geneva
Organized by the Division on Technology and Logistics, Technology, Innovation and Knowledge Development Branch
Policy Capacity Building Section / P166 Courses
Status of Trade in National Determined Contributions under the Paris Agreement
Palais des Nations, Geneva (Room XXIV)
Thursday, 2 May 2024(10:00 to 13:00)

The Paris Agreement aims to achieve its long-term climate and global temperature goals through the implementation of National Determined Contributions (NDCs). NDCs are efforts by each country to reduce national emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change. All Paris Agreement Parties are required to prepare, communicate, and maintain successive NDCs. Trade and trade-related measures can play an important role in implementing mitigation and adaptation actions and in supporting the transition towards a low-carbon economy, particularly in developing countries.

This course will present:

  • The legal nature, composition, and structure of NDCs, and analyze how trade and trade-related measures have been incorporated into them under the Paris Agreement, with practical examples, including how to green the AfCFTA.
  • A deeper view of the case for decarbonizing fishing fleets, ports, and the seafood value chain as an illustrative example of an integrated sectoral approach on how NDCs are covering mitigation, adaptation, and hybrid measures when relevant to trade, food security, and conservation.
  • This will be done by presenting the applicable multilateral regulatory environment, available low and zero carbon technologies, some practical case studies in the field of fisheries, as well as potential policy recommendations for developing countries, particularly SIDS and LDCs.

Last modified: Monday, 15 July 2024, 3:27 PM