Short courses for Permanent Missions in Geneva
Organised by the Division on Technology and Logistics, Knowledge Development Branch
Policy Capacity Building Section / P166 Courses
Trade and Logistics, and the Sustainable Development Goals
Palais des Nations, Geneva (Room XXVI)
Monday, 30 October 2017 (10:00 to 13:00)
This course will explore the mutual linkages between specific Sustainable Development Goals and trade logistics efficiency to ensure access to overseas
markets through international transport and trade facilitation services. Emphasis will be placed on maritime transport, ports, multimodal transport,
connectivity and transit to provide participants with analysis and guidance to
make transport more efficient and less costly, while increasing its resilience
and sustainability, enhancing trade and port efficiency and improving transit
and trade facilitation. On the one hand, countries that are more advanced in
achieving the Sustainable Development Goals are likely to have more capacities
to provide efficient trade logistics services to their importers and exporters.
On the other hand, by investing in sustainable and resilient transport and
trade facilitation reforms, countries will also achieve certain Sustainable
Development Goals
Presentations Additional resources:
Delivered by the Division on Technology and Logistics.
From 10 am to 1pm
Last modified: Wednesday, 22 August 2018, 11:43 AM