Division on Investment and Enterprise UNCTAD UNCTAD's Course on Key Issues on the International Economic Agenda for Permanent Missions in Geneva

Short courses for Permanent Missions in Geneva

Investor-State dispute settlement

Palais des Nations, Geneva
December 3, 2009

International Investment Agreements (IIAs) have the potential to contribute to economic and social development, including by enhancing FDI flows and the attendant benefits. Over the years, however, investors have increasingly resorted to the dispute settlement mechanisms included in IIAs, leading to a growing number of treaty-based investor–State dispute settlement (ISDS) cases being brought to international arbitration. This raises considerable challenges for host countries, including cost-related challenges, challenges regarding a country’s reputation as an attractive FDI destination, and capacity-related challenges. In order to maximize the benefits of IIAs while minimizing the attendant risks, it is of utmost importance that host countries have the capacity to manage – and, to the extent possible, avoid – such ISDS proceedings. The course aims at offering an initial overview of the key substantive and procedural issues that developing countries face in this context.

Delivered by: Division on Investment and Enterprise


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Copyright © 2009 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

vlasta.macku@unctad.org, mohan panicker@unctad.org

Last modified: Friday, 17 February 2012, 11:31 AM